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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sender email id is invalid or initial, Message Number 813 in SOST

You have configured RML in SOST. Your user in SU01 has an email ID mentioned and communication type is mentioned as Remote Mail.

But in SOST you get the error message like " Sender email id is invalid or initial." and the Long Text has Message Number 813.

Solution: There could be other reasons as well, but in my case it was solved as the Remote Mail was not setup for the particular User ID.

Go to SU01 and go into change mode of that user. Go to "Other Communication" and select RML and click the tick.

There were no entries in the next screen, hence give the System SID, Client, and User ID under Remote Mail, and Click Ok and save the user.

Try re-sending the mail in SOST.


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